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Scene Media


Apple Day

Last year we held a very successful Apple Day when visitors foraged for fallen apples which was pressed into juice. We have provisionally set a date for Saturday, 17th October beginning at 11.00 a.m. to repeat this successful event when we hope other apple produce will be available as well as pumpkins for sale ready for Halloween night.

Other News

At the end of June, a trial work day was held at the Millers Pond Local Nature Reserve with just the Committee members and partners attending. A great deal of tidying up was done including trimming the surrounding hedges but the main task of the day was to lay more footpaths. Earlier laid footpaths were finished and the very muddy path going through the woods around the very large oak tree is now no more. We also planted the trees that we had originally planned to plant in March.

At the end of July, we invited volunteers to a work day when they had to book and adhere to the safety precautions that we had in place. Eleven volunteers plus Committee members attended, well spread out across the reserve. The main tasks for the day were to eradicate the invasive non-native species such as Canadian golden rod, Japanese knotweed and Himalayan balsam which was achieved. Other jobs were undertaken including clearing overhanging branches to allow more light in for the newly planted trees and a small hazel copse was created.

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