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Have your say on Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan Updates

Scene Media

Hampshire’s five minerals and waste planning authorities are asking residents, local groups and businesses to help scrutinise proposed changes to Hampshire’s Minerals and Waste Plan to ensure that, in line with current legislation, it will continue to ensure provision of a steady and adequate supply of minerals and sufficient waste infrastructure, as well as maintain communities, protect the local environment and address the impacts of climate change.

A 12-week online consultation has opened (8 November 2022) for stakeholders to comment on proposed updates to policies, as well as provide additional helpful local knowledge about sites that have been identified for minerals extraction and transportation. These are important in ensuring that Hampshire can meet demand, for example, in the supply of sand, gravel and brickmaking clay to build houses, schools, hospitals and roads.

Sites for waste processing, recycling and disposal facilities are also indicated in the Plan - so that the millions of tonnes of household and commercial waste generated across the county can be dealt with as efficiently and sustainably as possible.

The Plan making partners (Hampshire County Council, New Forest National Park Authority, Portsmouth City Council, Southampton City Council and South Downs National Park Authority) have a duty to make appropriate provision for minerals extraction and the management of waste. Hampshire’s Minerals and Waste Plan is evidence based and is in line with national planning policy. The local policies contained within the Plan guide the decisions the minerals and waste planning authorities make when determining planning applications from commercial businesses for minerals or waste infrastructure and operations.

Having an up-to-date Plan in place is the best way to ensure that minerals and waste operations fully consider the character and special qualities of Hampshire. Not having an up-to-date Plan in place would make Hampshire vulnerable to having sites imposed by Government planning inspectors, losing the opportunity to ensure locally relevant matters are considered when sites come forward for minerals or waste development.

Any site identified in the final Plan does not signal it has or will receive planning permission for minerals extraction or as a waste management location. Operators must apply for permission in the usual way, taking account of all the environmental considerations and assessing the impact on the local community and area, including undertaking consultation with stakeholders. Land identified would be released only if it is needed, and the planning application fully satisfies the stringent criteria and other tests set out in the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan.

Taking part in the consultation

Before completing the online questionnaire, respondents are advised to first read the draft Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan Partial Update which can be found, with the response form, on this webpage:

Additionally, a response form can be downloaded from the same webpage for completing and either emailing to

or posting to: Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan - Partial Update, Minerals & Waste Policy, Elizabeth II Court West, The Castle, Winchester SO23 8UQ

Alternatively, respondents can comment via an email or a letter in the post to the above addresses.

Those making their views known should note that for a representation to be accepted, it must be accompanied by the respondent’s full name and postal address (which will be treated in confidence). Petitions will be recorded as one response as the issues raised will be the same.

Consultation Deadline

The consultation will close at 17:00 hours on Tuesday 31 January 2023.

Following closure of the consultation, the feedback will help to inform the preparation of a pre-submission version of the Partial Update to the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan which will then be examined by the Government’s Planning Inspectorate.

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