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Royal Victoria Railway

We are now in the New Year and looking forward to moving the railway forward with exciting developments. The diamond crossing constructed at the railway’s works by volunteers was recently installed as one more step towards the completion of the new track work needed to operate from Kirk terminus which was officially opened on March 12, 2017 by Lord Young of Cookham. The new track work needed 20 tons of ballast to be used, a backbreaking task for the volunteers. In order for the terminus to be brought into use significant changes were needed to the long standing track layout. At present trains operate from Piccadilly station next to the engine shed and works, from where tickets are sold for the one mile circuit which is steeply graded in places.

Once the new track is commissioned, Kirk terminus can be used as the starting and finishing point for trains, provided sufficient volunteers are available since a pointsman and more engine drivers will be needed. The turntable behind the platforms in the train shed at Kirk will also be brought into use. Lack of qualified steam loco drivers means that at present the superb collection of steam locos is rarely used.

The railway is open 11:00 – 16:30 at weekends, and daily at half term and in all school holidays. Trains are normally pulled by one of the Class 52 locomotives but can be steam hauled from time to time if sufficient suitable qualified volunteers are available. Return fares are £1.75 for adults and £1.25 for children, cash only please.

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