With the lock-down easing we are looking to re-start publishing The Scene magazines starting with the August/September issue. The copy deadline for this is 3 July with distribution towards the end of the month. Many of our advertisers and editorial contributors have already been in touch asking when we will be starting again so it's great to be able to confirm these dates. We are expecting quite a bit of interest in this issue so if you would like to book some space or would like to send us your news, please get in touch as soon as possible to help us plan ahead.
Magazine & Website Updates During the last few weeks we have been busy refreshing the design of the magazines to help make them clearer and easier to read. We have also spent quite a bit of time updating our website with regular news articles published online. Additionally we have tried to help our advertisers by including weekly updates showing which businesses are still open. If you run a business and are now open again, let us know and we will add you to the list (note that this is a free service for recent advertisers in The Scene). New - Online Business Directory We have also introduced - just last week - a new Business Directory on our website (scene-media.co.uk) which includes the businesses who advertise with us in the magazines. For the moment, this will be a free additional benefit for advertisers in The Scene and includes contact details and web links. It's a work in progress with daily updates as we add everyone in. As mentioned above, should you be interested in advertising in The Scene or supplying some local news for the August/September issue, please don't hesitate to contact us. Stay safe & well. Alan Alan McMurtry - Publisher Scene Media 023 8091 9992 Email The Scene